Terms and Conditions: Registration will not be processed without your acceptance.
Cancellation by any participant more than 30 days prior to the cancellation/balance due date, as specified/advertised in the TBSSB official trip description for this trip (found on the Club website – www.tampabaysnowskiers.com), will result in a $100 cancellation fee (per person). The deposit will be fully non-refundable for any cancellation 30 days or fewer prior to or on the cancellation/balance due date. Cancellation after the cancellation date will result in forfeiture of all deposit funds, plus a $200 [domestic trip (USA)] or $300 [nondomestic trip (non-USA)] cancellation fee (per person), plus additional costs up to the total cost of the trip as determined by the club. Any participant may obtain a substitute participant to take his/her place, but the “Primary” participant shall be liable for the cancellation fee cited above and any charges incurred due to name changes.
All cancellations by participants must be in writing by the “Primary” participant to the designated Club trip leader for this trip.
All trip payments are due on the date specified on the official trip description. If not received when specified, the “Primary” participant risks losing his/her place(s) on the trip and being treated as having cancelled. (See your Trip Leader if you are in doubt as to when your trip payments are due.) In the event a trip is cancelled by the Club due to poor skiing conditions, a lack of participation or for any reason beyond the control of the Club, Primary participant may receive a refund or credit determined by the Club equal to the amount received as a result of the cancellation up to the trip price paid by the traveler. Travelers agree that the Club may disburse any refunds and credits due after trip credits are provided or funds are returned to the Club by Tour operators and vendors for the canceled trip.
Terms and Conditions CANCELLATION DATE: I, by accepting these terms and conditions, understand that I represent all members of my group (as listed on page one). I acknowledge that a cancellation fee will be charged, per Cancellation Policy above, for all cancellations prior to the cancellation date, and that if I fail to cancel this reservation in writing before such date November 15, 2023, I may be subject to additional charges as explained in the Cancellation Policy above form and may forfeit the entire price of the trip. BALANCE DUE DATE: I will pay the balance due and any optional costs by November 15, 2023. TBSSB = TAMPA BAY SNOW SKIERS & BOARDERS Insurance: TBSSB highly recommends travel insurance for all trips. See the Protection section of this registration form for more details. Membership: TBSSB membership dues for you and for all members in your group as listed above are included in the trip price. Transferring: Any participant as listed above transferring from one trip to another shall be considered as having cancelled the first trip and is subject to a $25 transfer fee (reduced cancellation fee) for administrative costs. All transfers must be in writing AND submitted prior to the cancellation date as advertised in the official Club trip description for this trip on our website www.tampabaysnowskiers.com. Roommates: It is the responsibility of all participants to assure “compatibility” prior to signing up. Trip leader will assist; but is not responsible for finding roommates. Space is held for singles only if participant is willing to pay single rate if a roommate is not found. Seats and Bedding: TBSSB will make every effort to accommodate requests for airline seating and condominium/hotel/lodge bedding configuration. However, we cannot guarantee any particular seats or bedding arrangements, as we have no control over this. Resort Only: Resort-only participants will be responsible to arrange and bear the cost of ground transportation to & from the airport to the resort. Space on Club buses can be used if available (check with your trip leader) if traveler is present before the bus departs. Airlines: TBSSB is not responsible for airline schedule changes, delays or cancellations, nor any change of airlines due to weather or any other reason. Frequent Flyer: It is not the responsibility of TBSSB to ensure the credit of any frequent flyer mileage to a traveler’s account. This must be done by the traveler themselves. While TBSSB may submit your frequent flyer number to the airline if provided to the trip leader, ultimately you are responsible to make sure the airline has it in their system. Trip Prices: Participants are subject to all new fees or taxes imposed by either the government, airline, lodging or any agency involved. Prices on all trips may be subject to change due to unforeseen increases. The Club and its agents have no control or responsibility over such increases. The Primary participant will be responsible to pay for these increases should they occur. Non-Smoking: All airlines, ground transportation, and lodging are non-smoking.
Release of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement: I, as the Primary participant, and those participants (GENERAL MEMBERSHIP) who are listed by me in this registration who are members of my group, understand that TAMPA BAY SNOW SKIERS & BOARDERS (“TBSSB or Club”) acts only as a coordinator of any trips or other Club activities, and is not a Seller of Travel Services as defined by Florida Statutes Chapter 559, as amended, or any similar Federal or State statute or regulation. As such, the undersigned, on behalf of him/herself and all members of his/her group, understands that the Club, as a trip coordinator, accepts no responsibility for the services or products of any person, ski area, airline, motor coach, hotel, insurance company, ski rental company, mountain resort, or organization whatsoever rendering any of the services or accommodations being offered on any trip. Trip and other activity fees are based upon current tariffs and are subject to change without notice. The Club accepts no responsibility, in whole or in part, for any delay, delayed departure or arrival, missed air travel or other carrier connections, loss, damage, or injury to person or property, or any mechanical defect or failure of any nature whatsoever, or for any substitution of lodging or a common carrier with or without notice, or for any additional expenses occasioned thereby. I/we fully understand that the Club is a voluntary association run by volunteers only, who are not professionally trained in conducting trips or other Club activities. As such, by participating in any such trip or Club activity, I/we do not rely upon the expertise of any Director, Officer, Trip Leader, Activity Coordinator, or any of the Assistants on any such trip. I, and all members of my group, hereby expressly acknowledge that snow riding and similar activities are inherently dangerous, and we hereby acknowledge the hazards inherent to the sport of snow skiing or snowboarding as well as bicycling or other trip activities, and hereby assume all risk of injury or damage incident to such activity. As such, I/we hereby agree that I/we are solely responsible for our personal safety and conduct, and that as a participant, my group members and I hereby jointly and severally absolve, release, waive, and forever discharge any and all liability, claims, or demands against the Tampa Bay Snow Skiers & Boarders, and any of its Officers, Directors, Agents, Trip Leaders, and Assistant Trip Leaders which may arise out of or otherwise be related to any injury, damage, or pecuniary loss by reason of any such Club membership or activity or participation in said organization. In further consideration for the mutual benefit derived from the joint participation by membership in the Club, and participation in Club related activities, I/we fully understand that I am responsible for meeting all payment deadlines and obligations to the Club in a timely fashion. Should I/we miss any departure, or cancel after the established cancellation date, I/we understand that I/we may not be able to recover any part of my/our trip or activity payment. Furthermore, I, and my group members, hereby agree that the Club shall not be responsible for either myself or any member of my group who is denied entry into any state, territory, providence, or country because of any prior criminal convictions, civil offences, or by reason of any rules or regulations propagated by the US Department of Immigration and Naturalization Services including, but not limited to, laws and regulations governing the issuance and renewal of US Passports and/or Travel Visas. Furthermore, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Club, its Officers, Directors, Agents, Trip Leader, and Assistant Trip Leaders from any and all loss for expenses incurred by or attributable in any way with any ski trip or other Club sponsored activity. I/we agree to abide by the By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the Club and the Trip Leaders in connection with any trip or other Club activity. Furthermore, should any dispute arise out of my Club membership or participation in any Club sponsored activity or trip, then both the Club and I/we agree to submit any such dispute for resolution to binding, mandatory arbitration before the American Arbitration Association (AAA) to which we agree that the then current edition of the Commercial Rules of Arbitration of AAA shall apply. Each party shall bear their own cost and expenses incident to said arbitration proceedings. I/we further agree that the Venue for any such arbitration proceedings shall be Hillsborough County, Florida unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties. I/we further agree that Florida law shall apply to any dispute arising out of or incident to this Agreement.